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FOTI Constitution

The organization is to be known as the "Friends of The Inkerman" hereinafter called the FOTi.
The aim of the organisation is to work with partners to develop and maintain the Inkerman park whilst encouraging its wider and responsible public use.
To preserve, promote and protect the heritage of the Inkerman, the Committee will work to achieve the aim by:
Helping inform the local community about issues / happenings in and relating to the Inkerman Park. Seek to improve the provision and future development of amenities and facilities of the Inkerman Park.
Promote the Inkerman Park as a public open space for the social, recreational, educational and environmental benefit of the community.
Positively promoting the park through publicity and newsletters. Representation at user groups.
Active involvement in the delivery of future programmes within the park and the organisation, running and/or assistance of events.
Active involvement in the detail and delivery of future development in the park
Obtaining funding to aid implementation of enhancements to the park, eg artwork, ecological or historical improvements.
Membership of the group is open to everyone who has an interest in the park and a representative of any interested business partner that supports the aims and objectives of the organisation.
Adult Membership is open to all people aged sixteen and over.
Youth membership is open to all youngsters up to the age of fifteen.
An annual membership fee to the group may be charged. These fees shall be agreed each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

No person will be denied membership of the organisation on the grounds of age, race, religion, disability or sexual orientation.
It is a condition of membership that members conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings, in the park or in premises used by the FOTi. Any member may be excluded for any conduct contravening the objects of the FOTi by a majority of full members at a meeting. Any member so excluded has the right to appeal to a Full Meeting of the FOTi.
All members are required to declare any personal, private or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered by the FOTi.
The election or removal of Officers or members may only be carried out by a full meeting of the FOTi.
The committee may temporarily fill any vacancy arising among the officers and committee members from its full members until the next full meeting.
The Friends of the Inkerman shall meet at least four times a year.
The Secretary will ensure members and visitors attending meetings record their name, address and any organisation they represent at each meeting. These details must be recorded in a fixed page book.

The Friends Of The Inkerman shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) annually, or not more than fifteen months after holding the preceding AGM. The Secretary shall give at least fourteen days notice of the date, time and place of the AGM. With the notice of the meeting, the Secretary shall circulate the agenda of the business to be discussed at the meeting. Notice of Business, Alteration to Rules and Nominations of Officers shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the meeting so that it can be included on the agenda of the AGM.
The Secretary, upon receiving a written request from at least six members stating the object of the meeting, may call an Extraordinary Meeting. The notice of the proposed Extraordinary Meeting shall give details of the business to be discussed and no other business shall be discussed at the Extraordinary Meeting.
All members will be able to vote at meetings.
Votes shall only be recorded by persons present at the meetings. A simple majority of those present and voting is required to carry a motion.
Only Members who have attended at least 50% of the constituted meetings over the previous 12 months are entitled to vote on financial issues.
In the event of an even vote the Chair is entitled to one extra casting vote.
Any sub-committees or sub-groups that are formed will not enter into legal or financial commitments without the authority of the full committee.
The decisions of all meetings shall be binding on the FOTi. All decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of full members present and voting. The Chairman will have a casting vote.
An open invite to meetings and events of the FOTi will be given to Ward Councillors and Police officers.

The FOTi Committee shall be made up of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, elected annually at the AGM.
No business shall be conducted at any meeting unless a quorum of members is

present. A quorum shall be four members.
If there is not a quorum for the meeting, the Chair shall:
Fix a time and place for the adjourned meeting to take place.
Co-opting people for specialist reasons on a temporary basis will be permitted based on a nomination and a majority vote.
The FOTi is empowered to:
Hold public meetings.
Raise funds and hold a Bank or Building Society Account.
Organise fundraising or other events as the committee agree upon.
Act as a Partner to work with The Chesterfield Borough Council, Police and other professional body as agreed by the committee.

To buy, sell, take on lease or exchange any property (including premises) or equipment necessary to achieve the objectives.
To raise funds from trusts, grant-making authorities, public donations, subscription or any other lawful means.
To employ and pay any person or persons to carry out work of the group where necessary.
To affiliate to any group, association or society that is appropriate to the aims and objectives, and to disaffiliate from such an organisation if appropriate.
To do any lawful things to achieve the aims.
All funds will be used to further the aims of the group. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the accurate record of accounts and their presentation at the Annual General Meeting. Additionally the Treasurer will report the balance of the account at every meeting and will be expected to attend every meeting. In the event of the Treasurer failing to attend two consecutive meetings a new Treasurer may be appointed. An account at a Building Society or Bank will be operated in the name of the organisation. All cheques and withdrawals will require 2 of the 3 authorised signatories, none of whom will be related or live at the same address.
No funds will be retained by the members.
The treasurer/ committee will be responsible to ensure that Audited Accounts are submitted at each AGM.
The Committee may appoint and set out the terms of reference of sub-committees as may be required. The Chairman and Treasurer of the FOTi shall be ex-officio members of any sub-committee. 

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